Fundamental of Belief #16 – Part F; The Planting of the Throne

Edited Sermon Transcript
Jon W. Brisby; 3-9-2002

We want to continue this afternoon, brethren, with this—as it’s turning out to be—rather long series covering the Fundamentals of Belief of the Church of God, The Eternal, on fundamental number sixteen. This is the fundamental on the topic of British Israelism—the concept of our belief, as Mr. Armstrong stated it, concerning both the Birthright and the Scepter promises that were given to Abraham. Let me read quickly again this very long and comprehensive fundamental:

We believe the PROMISES were made to Abraham and his “seed,” Christ, and
that the Covenants (including the New Covenant), and the promises pertain alone
to ISRAEL. That our white, English-speaking peoples of today are enjoying the
national phases of the promises—that of MATERIAL blessings—called the
“Birthright,” which was handed down thru the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and
Manasseh, whose descendants we are; but that the “Scepter”—the promise of
kings, and the SPIRITUAL phase of the promises, including Christ and salvation
thru Him—was given to and shall not depart from Judah of whom are the race we
know today as the Jews. We believe eternal life is God’s gift resting upon the
promises made to Abraham and his “seed,” Christ, designating this earth (made
new), not heaven, as our eternal home and reward. That salvation is thru Christ
alone, and not inherited thru the Birthright (right of birth) and that salvation is
freely open to Gentiles, who, thru Christ, become Abraham’s children and are
adopted into the family of Israel and become heirs according to the promises.

So, as I’ve said before, that is a mouthful. We’ve already taken five sermons in the past
to go through some of the meaty parts of this fundamental of belief. Well, we’re starting to wind
down. I expect after the sermon today, that we should be able to complete this with perhaps
three more sermons. But today, we want to continue to pick up the final piece of the puzzle
concerning this story that we’ve been unfolding concerning that commission of Jeremiah and
exactly how God brought to pass the fulfillment of His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
and also the promise of that special covenant relationship with David.

As we recall, God gave that twofold promise to Abraham, which we summarize as the
promises of “race” and “grace”—the promises of great national wealth of a people, and also that
of grace, meaning the promise of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the entire world. Both of those
promises came to Abraham in that covenant relationship. Those covenant promises were
repeated to Isaac, and they were also repeated to Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel.
Then, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Jacob pronounced a prophecy upon his own
sons of those things that would befall them based upon the way that God was going to use them.
We found that it was not through Judah that those promises of great national wealth were going
to be given at all. Through Judah was the promise of kingship, the Scepter promises of
rulership. It was the sons of Joseph who were going to inherit the Birthright promises of great
national wealth.

We’ve gone through the story to see how it was that God set up His relationship with
Israel, made them a nation, and the fact that God was the first King of Israel, which is an
incredibly important piece to remember and that which most people fail to understand. God was
the first King of the nation of Israel. Because of their rebellion, He gave them what they asked
for when they asked for a human king. God transferred that Scepter from Himself to one of
those men raised up out of Israel—first to Saul. And yet, the promise was that it had to be a
descendant of Judah. So we find that God raised up David, and it was the dynasty of David that
continued for centuries all the way down to Zedekiah who was the last Jewish king who ruled
over the house of Judah.

We found that there were two nations that broke away after the sins of Solomon.
Actually, God gave Israel over to Jeroboam, who was of Ephraim. And then, in order to
preserve the promise of the kingship of the line of David, it was the house of Judah that broke
away from Israel. Those tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and a majority of Levi became known as
the house of Judah. That throne of David—that crown—continued on through the time of
Zedekiah, after which God uprooted that throne, that crown, and took it away from the house
of Judah when they went into captivity under Nebuchadnezzar.

The ten tribes of Israel to the north under Jeroboam had never obeyed God. They had
been corrupt from their beginning, had gone into all kind of pagan Baal worship through
multiple dynasties. Finally, God took them into captivity and took them completely out of the
land. They were totally eradicated from Palestine in captivity. And yet, God had to preserve
His promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and to David that those Birthright promises were going
to be fulfilled in the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, even though the descendants of
those tribes were absolutely unworthy. That northern tribe, headed by Ephraim and Manasseh,
never did obey God; and yet, God had promised Abraham that He absolutely would fulfill that
covenant relationship.

Let’s remember and look at that covenant with Abraham quickly in Genesis 22 and verse
15: “And the angel of the [Eternal] called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, And
said, By myself have I sworn, saith the [Eternal] . . .” So now, God is making a pronouncement.
He is swearing—He is binding Himself inexorably—because of something that Abraham did
of incredible magnitude. “. . . for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy
son, thine only son.” He was willing to actually sacrifice his only son through whom he knew
the promise that God had given was to come. And God told him to sacrifice Isaac, and
Abraham was absolutely willing to comply and to act in faith. It was such a monumental act
for a human being to demonstrate that much faith to simply trust God and to do what He said,
when from all human rationalizations, there was no way that it could work out; and yet Abraham
just did it, and God stopped him from sacrificing his son. But He said:

. . . because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only
son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed
as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy
seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.

A monumental promise that God gave. The first part of that covenant promise was the
promise of race—the promise of a nation that would come out of Abraham that would have
mighty power, reigning upon the earth with great wealth. And then, the second part of that
promise, verse 18: “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou
hast obeyed my voice.” That was the promise of Jesus Christ who was going to be the Savior
of the world. We’re going to get to that portion of the promise and spend some more time
talking about that promise of grace through Jesus Christ that applies to all peoples on the face
of the earth, and not just the Israelites.

Genesis 28 and verse 13. Again, we see the confirmation of that original covenant
promise with Abraham, now reconfirmed with Jacob.

And, behold, the [Eternal] stood above it, and said, I am the [Eternal] God of
Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee
will I give it, and to thy seed.

So, it was a promise to Jacob, first, of land—material wealth. This was not a spiritual
promise at all. It was a material promise.

. . . the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy
seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and
to the east, and to the north, and to the south . . .

This is not speaking of just the fact that the Israelites of old were going to inherit the
Promised Land. Yes, God gave that as an inheritance to Israel. And guess what? When Jesus
Christ returns, Israel is going to inhabit their inheritance in Palestine. God gave it to Israel, no
matter what any kind of Arab nations—whether it’s the Palestinians, the Jordanians, the Syrians,
the Iranians—or anyone else thinks, that land belongs to Israel because God said so. Anyone
else who’s there is an interloper. When Christ returns, He is going to establish the Israelites in
their appropriate tribes in the land of Palestine, and Jesus Christ is going to rule from Jerusalem.
In the meantime, is there any wonder why that area of the world is the seat of so much strife,
bitterness and animosity? It is because Satan is doing everything he can to thwart the very
purpose of God. As we know from the long-range prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled, there
is going to be incredible volatility that’s going to continue up until the return of Christ. It is
going to be the center of much hatred, war and destruction. So, when you see on the news all
of these efforts for the peace accords, any peace that is established is going to be short-lived at
best because it’s not going to last. The promise to Jacob was that land to his descendants. They
are going to possess it. But in the meantime, God said here in verse 14:

And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the
west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south [That means they weren’t
going to stay in Palestine. They were going to be scattered, and so they were.]:
and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Why? Because Jesus Christ was going to be one of the progeny of that line of Judah, and
specifically out of the house of David. Then, Genesis 35 and verse 10:

And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any
more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God
said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a
company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins.

Now, Israel of old, if that was just the fulfillment at the time that Joshua entered into the
land, took possession of it and established the nation of Israel in Palestine, then how can this
prophecy have been fulfilled that they were going to be not just a nation, but a company of
nations? Because Israel of old inhabiting Palestine was not a company of nations; they were
one nation. So, how was it that God was going to fulfill this very promise that the descendants
of Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, were going to become a company of nations? God
prophesied that the house of Israel would be planted in a place outside Palestine. As we’re
going to see in a few minutes, God is going to have to recover the descendants of Israel out of
places around other parts of the face of the earth and restore them to their original inheritance
in Palestine when Christ returns, which means they’re not currently there. Only the house of
Judah, that which we know today as the Jews, now inhabits Palestine. The ten tribes of Israel
that were lost from sight are scattered like the dust as God said they were going to be—to the
north, the south, the east and the west. God is going to have to restore them and bring them
back to their original inheritance.

But notice 2 Samuel 7 and verse 10. This, Mr. Armstrong said, was a specific reference
to the prophecy of replanting the house of Israel outside of Palestine from whence they would
be recovered at the return of Christ. “Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel . .
.” Now, notice that this prophecy is being spoken for the first time long after Israel was
established as a nation in Palestine. So this cannot be speaking of God’s intent to initially give
the Promised Land to the Israelites, as He fulfilled with the conquest under Joshua. It’s not what
is being spoken of here at all. Israel has already long since inherited the land; they’ve been there
for hundreds of years. Now, within the very reign of David, God makes this prophecy through
the prophet and says, “Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them
. . .” If this was referring to Israel in their initial inheritance in Palestine, how is it that God was
just now speaking about planting them? They were already planted. They were planted in a
thriving nation under King David, and God blessed and unified the Israelites and prospered
them against their enemies. And under the reign of Solomon, David’s son, that nation grew to
the greatest length and breadth and power to that day there in Palestine, until Solomon
turned—allowed his foreign pagan wives to turn his head from the truth.

And yet God, for the sake of David, preserved Solomon throughout his lifetime, but then
wrenched that kingdom away from Solomon’s son Rehoboam and gave it to Jeroboam of
Ephraim. But at this point in time, Israel already possesses the Promised Land. They’re already
blessed under the rule of David, and yet God says, “Moreover I will appoint a place for my
people Israel, and will plant them . . .” This is not speaking of the planting in Palestine; that had
already occurred. This is a different planting. “. . . that they may dwell in a place of their own,
and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as
beforetime.” What is God speaking of here? It is, my dear brethren, a correlation to the very
commission of Jeremiah who, as we already saw, was commanded to uproot the crown—the
throne—out of the house of Judah, and transplant it somewhere else, into another remnant of
the house of Israel so that the crown could continue to exist all the way through modern times,
to be there when Jesus Christ returns to assume His throne. “. . . and will plant them, that they
may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more . . .” There was going to be an uprooting,
which there was when God allowed the northern ten tribes to be taken captive by the Assyrians.
One hundred and twenty to one hundred and thirty years later, the house of Judah was also taken
captive by the Babylonians, although they weren’t removed completely out of the land like the
Assyrians removed the northern ten tribes. Judah was allowed to return; the northern ten tribes
never did return.

Amos 9 and verse 8. The house of Israel, you see, was prophesied to be scattered and
sifted like wheat, which is precisely what happened. “Behold, the eyes of the [Eternal] God are
upon the sinful kingdom . . .” Which kingdom is He speaking of? We’re going to see.

Behold, the eyes of the [Eternal] God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will
destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the
house of Jacob, saith the [Eternal]. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the
house of Israel . . .

Whom are we speaking of? Remember, we talked about the difference in the
terminology that God used. Whenever you see “the house of Israel,” He is not speaking about
the entire twelve tribes; He’s speaking of the northern kingdom, that which was ruled by
Ephraim. The house of Judah was a separate house that broke away from the house of Israel.
So who is this sinful kingdom that God is speaking of in prophecy? It is the northern house of
Israel, those northern ten tribes headed by Ephraim. “. . . saving that I will not utterly destroy
the house of Jacob . . .”—Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. Who was it who became
known by the very name of Israel? Ephraim and Manasseh. They were given that name of their
father. “For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as
corn is sifted in a sieve . . .” And that’s precisely what happened to them. God took them utterly
into captivity, removed them completely out of the land, and they were sifted to the north, the
south, the east, and the west throughout all nations. “. . . yet shall not the least grain fall upon
the earth.”

What is it that God is promising? They were going to be sifted through all nations, but
they weren’t going to disappear. They were not going to be destroyed. The northern tribes,
including Ephraim and Manasseh, were not going to be destroyed. They were going to be sifted
through the other nations of the earth, but they were going to be preserved. God was going to
keep them, and in fact, He reassembled them when He gave them a land outside of Palestine,
where He planted them and then transferred that throne of David. He ripped it away from
Zedekiah so that it never ruled again over the house of Judah, but that kingdom—that
crown—had to continue to rule; and it had to continue to rule over Israelites. And so it did.
God uprooted it through the work of Jeremiah and transplanted it to the place where He had
assembled remnants of those northern ten tribes, the northern house of Israel. Even though they
did not deserve it, God was duty-bound to back up His promise to Abraham.

That’s the thing we absolutely have to keep in mind, brethren. In a couple of sermons
from now, I’m going to go through the political aspects of what this world today calls “British
Israelism,” and more specifically “Christian Identity.” You’re going to find out how hated the
concept of the knowledge of modern Israelites is. The idea that the United States and the British
Commonwealth are the descendants of those northern ten tribes is something that is incredibly
hated and is likely going to be responsible for our persecution somewhere down the line. I’m
going to go through and show you what the modern writers are saying, the number of other
groups, and what their political spin on this concept of British Israelism is, and why it’s so hated.
And even though we don’t share anything with their beliefs, Satan is the master at warping and
twisting everything that is true. There are men around the world now that are using this
knowledge of the identity of modern Israel for their own nefarious ends. The idea is that
anybody who can trace their lineage to be a part of Israel, is better and superior in some way,
and it’s absolutely not true.

Keep in mind, brethren, that the only reason that Ephraim and Manasseh inherited the
promises is because of the faithfulness of Abraham. It had nothing to do with their worth, or
their value, their integrity, or their faith, because they didn’t have it. They were an evil kingdom
from the time that they separated under Jeroboam, and they never did obey God. And though
they were given every benefit, and God pleaded with them through the prophets, they never
returned to God. He sifted them like wheat because of their sins—not because of their
righteousness, but because of their sins. And yet, He fulfilled His promise to Abraham when
He said He was going to make of them a nation and a company of nations, and that they were
going to be multiplied upon the face of the earth, and they were going to possess the sea gates
of the world. God fulfilled those promises—not because they were worthy; they were not
worthy. He fulfilled it in a rebellious and an idolatrous nation because He promised it to the
descendants of Abraham. How strong was the example of Abraham? When God bound
Himself inexorably with that covenant, He fulfilled it, even to a people who deserved it least
on the face of the earth. So we’re going to go and see a lot more of that—I don’t want to get
ahead of myself—a couple of sermons from now.

The thing that we differ in totally, regarding this topic, from all of these other people that
call themselves “Christian Identity” or “British Israel” believers, is the fact that they use it as
some sort of a badge of honor to say that that race is superior. And it’s not. But it doesn’t make
any difference, brethren, because it’s still likely to get you in trouble. People are going to
presume that you are part and parcel with all of these racists, these white supremacist neo-Nazis
who absolutely identify with British Israelism. And because they use it for their nefarious
purposes and their ends, you’re likely to be lumped right in with them. Don’t ever begin to
think, brethren, that we have some inside track because of believing that we are the physical
descendants of Israel. No, we’re going to see, when we get to it, those scriptures where the
Pharisees took great pride in the fact that Moses was their father; and yet Christ said that
wouldn’t get them anything.

No, even though they did not deserve it, God was duty-bound to back up His promise to
Abraham, and so He did. Where did Israel go? We already know the answer in the back of the
book. Mr. Armstrong’s book is called The United States and British Commonwealth in
. So, if you don’t read the cover of it, the whole book kind of builds up to it. But by
knowing the actual title of the book, you know where it ends. We do believe absolutely it was
the British Isles where God planted His people and built that great nation who became the
company of nations—even with that commonwealth—and that it was the United States of
America who came out of Britain as God separated Manasseh and all of those who were a part
of that one nation who became a great kingdom. Not as great as the younger brother who was
actually given the Birthright by Israel, Jacob, and yet it was that nation who became the
superpower that still exists, even the only superpower remaining at this time on the earth.

Let’s look at the Biblical evidences that Mr. Armstrong used to point to the British Isles
as the place where Jeremiah was instructed to plant that crown of David. Hosea 12 and verse

Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind: he daily increaseth
lies and desolation [This was not an accolade for Ephraim.]; and they do make a
covenant with the Assyrians, and oil is carried into Egypt.

Ephraim was corrupt. They were idolatrous. They assumed and took on all of the evil
of the Egyptians and the Assyrians around them in their religious worship. Where did God
drive them? Mr. Armstrong said that this is one of the indications, “Ephraim feedeth on wind,
and followeth after the east wind . . .”

Now, what is the east wind? Which direction does the east wind blow? The east wind
comes out of the east, and it blows to the west. The east wind blows westward, and so Mr.
Armstrong said this was one of the indications of exactly where He drove the idolatrous
Ephraimites—to the west. Then, next, notice Psalm 89 and verse 20. Obviously, we use
Jerusalem as our benchmark. These prophecies that were given, used Jerusalem in Palestine as
the benchmark. So we’re talking, one, about a hint that the new place—that new land—where
Israel was going to be planted, was to the west of Palestine.

Psalm 89:20:

I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: With
whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him. The
enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. And I
will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him. But my
faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be
exalted. I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.

Mr. Armstrong said this is another indication of where that new homeland for the
wayward Israelites would be made, from where would be gathered the scattering of Ephraim
and Manasseh and the others of the ten-tribe kingdom. “I will set his hand”—referring to
the power, even the Scepter. “I will set his hand also in the sea . . .”

Jeremiah 3 and verse 11. Another hint: “And the [Eternal] said unto me, The
backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.” Remember, we read this
before, comparing those two houses—the northern house of Israel, the southern house of Judah.
And in spite of the fact that Judah saw what happened to the house of Israel—they were taken
into captivity by the Assyrians because of their sins, utterly taken out of the land; so Judah had
that as a witness—yet 120 years later, God said Judah was guilty of worse sins than even the
house of Israel, for which they also went into captivity at the hands of the Babylonians.

. . . The backsliding Israel hath justified herself [Meaning, they were actually
more worthy, or less guilty by comparison, than Judah.] more than treacherous
Judah. Go and proclaim these words [Where?] toward the north, and say, Return,
thou backsliding Israel, saith the [Eternal]; and I will not cause mine anger to fall
upon you: for I am merciful, saith the [Eternal], and I will not keep anger for

Jeremiah was given this prophecy 130 years after the northern tribes went into captivity.
So they’ve long been taken out of the land, totally destroyed as a nation. They don’t live in
Palestine anymore. So, when this is talking about an instruction for Jeremiah to proclaim these
words toward the north, is He just talking about north in Palestine, into the area of the northern
ten tribes? No. Why? Because that’s not where Israel was. The northern ten tribes, 120 to 130
years prior to this prophecy, had already been taken completely out of the land and had been
scattered by the Assyrians. Jeremiah, with his commission, is being told, “Go and proclaim
these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel . . .” They were still
known by God. Even though they lost their language and their identity, God knew who they
were, and He was still working with them. Why? He had yet to fulfill those promises to
Abraham to make of them a nation and a company of nations.

The location of the new habitation for this remnant of Israel that God was going to make
into this great world power, was located toward the north; it was also to the west, and it was also
in the sea. Mr. Armstrong correctly pointed to the fact that from Jerusalem, if you head
northwest and you find an island nation, there is none other except the British Isles that fits
precisely the very definition found in these prophecies. Now, many take exception with the
application of these scriptures that I’ve just given you, and they say, “Oh, well, that’s very
contrived.” Well, brethren, I start by looking at the answer in the back of the book. Show me
any other nations that fit that definition of the promises of the covenant that was given to
Abraham that could possibly fulfill what God said He was going to do. Remember, if we don’t
believe that it’s the United States and the British Commonwealth, then it’s got to be somewhere
else. Who else? What other nations could be Ephraim and Manasseh and could have received
the Birthright promises?

Remember, the Jews didn’t receive it. You cannot look to the Jews for the fulfillment,
because Judah was not given the promise of the Birthright. It was Ephraim and Manasseh,
through Joseph, that those promises were going to come to make a nation and a company of
nations. Where is it? Where was it fulfilled? There is no better answer to the question,
brethren, than that which was fulfilled with the British Empire—not only a nation, but a
commonwealth of nations that stretched around the globe. And there was no other company of
nations that spawned the greatest single nation on the face of the earth in modern times, the
United States of America, which is still the sole remaining superpower on the face of the earth.

Referring to the time of Christ’s return, Israel is to be recovered out of the north. Let’s
notice, continuing in verse 17 of Jeremiah 3:

At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the [Eternal]; and all the
nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the [Eternal], to Jerusalem:
neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. In those
days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel . . .

Here is speaking of a time of the rejoining of those two houses together. The house of
Israel, the northern ten tribes, is going to be reunited with the house of Judah. “In those days
the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the
land of the north . . .” They’re going to return to Palestine to their rightful, God-ordained
inheritance. They’re going to come out of the land of the north. “. . . they shall come together
out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your
fathers”—which was the land of Israel, Palestine.

Jeremiah 31 and verse 7: “For thus saith the [Eternal]; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and
shout among the chief of the nations . . .” Who was it that Jeremiah was sent to? He was sent
to Israel. Here, it is “the chief of the nations” because that’s what they became.

. . . Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations:
publish ye, praise ye, and say, O [Eternal], save thy people, the remnant of Israel.
Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts
of the earth . . .

Another scripture that Mr. Armstrong used to point to the fact that it would be a coastal
kingdom, even in the British Isles to the north and to the west of Palestine.

. . . from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth, and with
them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth with
child together: a great company shall return thither. They shall come with
weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the
rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father
to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. Hear the word of the [Eternal], O ye
nations [What nations is He speaking to? He’s speaking to the house of Israel and
the house of Judah.], and declare it in the isles afar off . . .

Why would He be declaring this prophecy in “the isles afar off” except that’s where the
remnant of Israel was? “. . . declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will
gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.” And so, He absolutely scattered the
house of Israel out of Palestine because of their sins, but He established them in the British
Isles. That is precisely, then, where Jeremiah went to plant that crown.

Isaiah 49 and verse 1: “Listen, O isles . . .” Here, again, is another reference to the
location of that remnant that was made into a nation.

Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The [Eternal] hath
called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention
of my name. [And then, in verse 12:] Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo,
these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

Where was it that God was going to recover His people? Out of the north and out of the
west. They are going to, at the time of Jesus Christ, inherit again their rightful possession of
Palestine from where Christ is going to rule in that thousand-year reign from Jerusalem.

The evidence of Israel’s movements can be studied. There’s so much material on it,
brethren, and I am not going to get into that. We have a very detailed article called The
Migrations of Israel
for any who want to study all of the specific evidences of the movement
of the lost ten tribes of Israel. That is a very significant work. It goes through those things that
Mr. Armstrong mentioned, including Dan’s Serpent’s Trail—the fact that the Danites had a
proclivity for naming things after their father, Dan. And so, you see across all of Europe from
east to west and into the British Isles, the proclivity of the name Dan, Don, Din, or Dun.
Remember, in the Hebrew there aren’t any vowels, and so you’ve got the consonants “D” and
“N” and many of the different forms that are all across the Northwestern democracies of Europe.
Our work, The Migrations of Israel, goes through it in detail to show you the proclivity of the
evidences—the landmarks and the trails that were made in the migrations of the Israelites and
those lost tribes over all of those centuries. There are also, brethren, lots of stories, myths and
legends that come out of human beings, which I am not going to focus on at all because it is
very, very hard to tell the false from the true. Yes, it’s true that a certain amount of legend is
based on fact, and yet it is very, very difficult to distinguish between it.

How do we fill in the gaps of how Jeremiah actually took one of these daughters of
Zedekiah and how that lineage of the line of Pharez—remember, through whom David and
Zedekiah came—was reunited with this line of Zerah, the elder brother of the scarlet thread?
Remember those twin sons of Judah by his incestuous relationship with his own daughter-in-law? How was that breach healed? Well, if we know the answer in the back of the book, Great
Britain is the only nation that qualifies to fulfill that which was given in the promises of God
through the covenant of Abraham. It makes perfect sense to know that somehow that’s precisely
where Jeremiah went. Somehow there was a marriage between the descendant of Zedekiah and
one of these sons of the line of Zerah. Now, legend has it that it was King Heremon of Ireland
who was of the line of Zerah. He is said to have married this daughter of Zedekiah. It was their
son who assumed the throne in the antiquities of Ireland. This dynasty continued unbroken from
King Heremon until the throne was overturned and transplanted to Scotland in 503 A.D. It was
later overturned again and transplanted to London in 1296 A.D. by Edward I. This same
dynasty continues today through the current queen of England. That’s the other significant
factor which gives us a key and supports the fact that Jeremiah fulfilled his commission and
replanted that crown in the British Isles and Ireland.

Turn back with me to Ezekiel 21 and verse 26. “Thus saith the [Eternal] God; Remove
the diadem . . .” Remember, that crown was taken away from Zedekiah and the house of Judah.
“. . . Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same . . .” No, the crown
was not going to continue in the dynasty, ruling over the house of Judah. It had to be a
descendant David because there could not fail to sit upon the throne a descendant of David; and
yet, that throne—that crown—was not going to rule over the house of Judah any longer. But
it had to be ruling over Israelites. How was it that it was going to rule over Israelites, but not
over the house of Judah? God was going to transplant it somewhere over the house of Israel
of those lost ten tribes. “. . . Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the
same [No, it was going to be changed.]: exalt him that is low . . .” Who was low? The line of
Zerah—the son who should have been rightfully the firstborn, that little baby whose arm came
out, born first of his mother, and yet pulled his arm back, and then his brother was born first
instead, Pharez. He became the one through whom David and the kings were produced. “. . .
exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.” And so, it was at Zedekiah. That line of
Pharez was abased, and the line of Zerah, then, was exalted. “I will overturn, overturn,
overturn, it . . .” There were going to be three overturns of the crown. That crown was going
to be moved three times before it finally stood still in place where it would continue until the
very return of Jesus Christ.

Where were those three overturns? The first one was when it was ripped away from
Zedekiah as he was taken by Nebuchadnezzar. Therefore, the first replanting was in the British
Isles, in Ireland. The second overturn occurred when that crown transferred from Ireland to
Scotland, and moved into the hands of the family of Scottish royalty. That occurred, from
history, in 503 A.D. When was the third and final overturn? It was when Edward I, called
Edward Longshanks, in battle against the Scots, overturned and transplanted that crown to
London, and it became the possession of the kings and queens of England. That happened in
1296 A.D., and it continues there even to this day.

They all came out of the same peoples, out of the same families; and yet, all the wars,
the intrigue, and the heinous things that have taken place in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and
England read like the greatest soap opera ever written. If you read any of those histories,
brethren, you certainly do not conclude that these were a righteous, worthy people. They were
not. These were the same rebellious, pagan people that are absolutely the descendants of those
that God kicked out of the Holy Land. That’s who they are; that’s who they have been still. And
guess what? If you’re one of those that are of the physical descendants of Israel, that’s what you
are too. It’s nothing to be proud of. They were a people that were given every benefit by God.
He made them His holy nation. He brought them out of Egypt. He made them a great nation
and promised them every good thing, physically and spiritually, and they rebelled. And so, they
have been rebelling from time of antiquity—the most ungrateful, unworthy. That’s what the
Israelites are. So, if you are of the house of Israel as a descendant, then that’s what you are too,
brethren. That’s what we are. We have an infamous heritage as those who have rebelled against
God and His perfect ways for all of these centuries. And yet, God has continued to fulfill His
promise, even through those unworthy people. He gave them great wealth and capacity, and
strengthened them on the face of the earth.

It wasn’t until after 1800, then, that the British Commonwealth and the United States
really began to flourish. The fullness of those Birthright promises, when they began to kick in,
was unlike anything that has been seen on the face of this earth. Britain was multiplied, and it
became so great—Britannia who rules the seas, a commonwealth of nations around the globe.
And, as it was said rightfully, “The sun never set upon the British Empire.” It’s one of the other
pieces, brethren, that makes it all fit together. If anyone doubts whether or not it was really in
the British Isles where that crown of David was placed, show me any other in history who
fulfilled that which has been fulfilled in the history of England, Ireland, Scotland, and the
United States. Show me any other three overturns of the crown of those that fit the profile of
a nation and a company of nations that dominated the world.

They’re losing—and they have lost significantly—that power because we certainly don’t
have it today. The British Empire has been shrinking; it has lost all of its great magnitude. God
never promised to Abraham that they wouldn’t lose it. That’s what people forget. There are a
lot of these people that are part of this “British Israel Movement” and “Christian Identity
Movement” who think that these promises of physical wealth of the Birthright are perpetual.
They think they have a right to it, and they think they’re going to continue it. They’re going to
rise up and guarantee those promises, and they’re not. God promised Abraham that He would
make of them a great nation and a company of nations, which He did, but He never promised
that they were going to hold on to it; and so they haven’t. Why? Because of their wretched
paganism and their rebellion against God. We have been losing it, and we have been weakened.
We are going to get weaker yet, brethren. God is going to pour out His plagues upon the
remnant of those physical Israelites, and they are going to pay the price for their rebellion. We’ll
talk more about that in a couple of sermons. That is the thing that most of these patriot
movement people with their Christian Identity beliefs do not understand at all.

But we understand that, in order to fulfill the promises to Abraham and to David—that
a descendant of David would sit upon that throne—that throne was not going to go; it was not
going to be vacated; it was not going to be destroyed. Not at all. Notice Luke 1 and verse 32.
Christ will not return to take possession of a nonexistent throne. That’s why I made the point
earlier, brethren. Who was the first King of Israel? None other than God Himself—God
Himself on Mount Sinai when He made that first covenant with Israel, probably on the day of
Pentecost. God Himself became the first King of Israel. He was the One that held the Scepter.
He possessed the throne. He transferred that Scepter to Saul, and then to David and the dynasty
of David. He said that there would never want a son of David to sit upon the throne. Now,
some can claim, “Well, that just means that, as long as the throne existed, they would always
have a king of the line of David; but that didn’t mean that if the throne went dormant for a few
centuries, it would be a breaking of the promise.”

Luke 1:32:

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God
shall give unto him the throne of his father David.

We know that it started with God who, guess what, happened to be that very Being who
became Jesus Christ because that’s who it was on Mount Sinai who made the covenant with
Israel. And guess who’s going to take that throne again when He returns as King of Kings and
Lord of Lords? It’s going to be that same Being. It’s going to come full circle. The God who
started as the King of Israel is again going to be the reigning King of Israel—Jesus Christ upon
this earth. He’s going to reign for 1000 years. And it is the throne of David that He is going to
possess in Jerusalem, from where He is going to rule and reign. The question is, would God
allow that throne to go vacant for a year, 10 years, 100 years, or 1000 years somewhere in the
history of man? Will Christ return to a vacant throne from which we’re going to have to blow
off the dust and the cobwebs, to get it out of the mothballs, because from the time of Zedekiah,
no one has sat on that throne? That’s what many would have you believe. Or, as Mr. Armstrong
said, is Christ going to return to sit upon an active, viable throne—taking possession of the
throne as it has continued to exist, reigning somewhere over the descendants of Israel through
all time? That’s precisely what we were taught.

Does it make sense? It certainly does. Why? I only thought about this recently, but
think about the fact that Satan now sits on the throne—another throne—that Christ is going to
inherit when He returns. That is the throne over the entire earth. Remember, it was the throne
that God gave to him when he was still Lucifer, that glorious being. God gave Lucifer
responsibility for the earth, to take care of it. He was given authority over the throne of the
earth, the prince of the power of the air. When he rebelled and became Satan the Devil, God
did not remove him from that office. Why? If God is in favor of vacant thrones, even though
it wasn’t appointed for Christ to assume that throne for thousands of years down the line, why
not remove Satan now and let the throne be vacant? Or, according to God’s will and the
continuity of authority and government, did He provide for the fact that the throne also would
not be vacant? You see, when Christ returns, He is going to take possession of the world’s
throne away from Satan who still inhabits that throne, which is why, in Jude, it says that
Michael dared not bring a railing accusation. Why? Because Satan still sits, by the authority
of God, upon a throne over this earth. He left him in office. Why? Because it is not the
appointed time for his successor to assume it yet. There is not going to be an interim king.
Christ is the only King who is going to take possession of that crown. Until it is God the
Father’s appointed time—and the Father is the only one that knows when that time is going to
be—Christ waits to take possession of that throne and of his kingdom.

He is not yet possessor of that kingdom. He is waiting. He has the right to it. He has
qualified for it, but He does not now sit upon that throne. Satan the Devil sits upon the throne
of this earth. At the time of the appointing of the Father, Christ is going to come back with
power and authority, and He’s going to take possession of that throne. He’s going to rip it away
from Satan the Devil, and Satan is going to be bound. Christ is then going to be the Ruler
Supreme over the entire earth, but that office is going to be joined together with the very office
of the throne of David. Christ is going to fulfill both of those kingly responsibilities—not only
over the entire world, but specifically over Israel. It is the throne of David that Christ is going
to sit upon when He rules the entire earth; so, in essence, those two thrones are going to be
joined together. Now, tell me, would God allow the continuation of a devil to sit upon that
throne over the entire earth, and yet leave the throne of David vacant for centuries? I don’t think
so. What makes perfect sense, brethren, is just what Mr. Armstrong said—that Christ is not
going to return to a vacant throne. He is going to sit upon the throne of David, which is going
to be taken away from the unworthy king or queen that sits on it today, or whichever descendant
sits on it at the time that Christ returns. It is going to be the seat of power in Jerusalem from
which He rules the entire earth as He takes possession also of that throne over the entire earth
that Satan has held for lo these last 6000 years. Neither one of those thrones is vacant today,
brethren. Christ is going to take possession of both of them; and they are currently active,
working thrones.

Remember the promises that were given to Joseph. Turn with me to Genesis 48 and
verse 19. This is part of the story of the anointing that Jacob, who became Israel, made as he
laid hands upon his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph. Joseph tried to move
his father’s hands to position them correctly so that his right hand was upon the elder, the
firstborn, Manasseh. What did Jacob say?

And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it [He’s telling Joseph,
“I know what I’m doing. I’m not making a mistake here.”]: he also [meaning,
Manasseh] shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger
brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

Who else, my dear brethren, fulfilled those promises if it’s not the United States and the
British Commonwealth? It is that British Empire that fulfills most eloquently the very promise
that God gave to build a company of nations. And so, that Commonwealth of the British
Empire spread around the globe. Between the United States and the British Commonwealth,
they did possess, at one time, even as late as the early 1950s, between two-thirds and three-quarters of the cultivated resources of the earth. Do you realize that? Do you realize how
incredibly powerful and expansive those two kingdoms were? Tell me if there is any other that
compares to it in history—that reflects the awesome purpose of God to fulfill His promises to
Abraham. You see, it fits beautifully and perfectly together.

Notice Genesis 49 and verse 22: “Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a
well; whose branches run over the wall.” The descendants of Joseph, meaning Ephraim and
Manasseh and their descendants, were going to be so fruitful and so blessed by God—again, not
because they were worthy, but because it was promised to Abraham—that they would be as a
vine that just takes over everything and runs out with its runners. That’s precisely what the
peoples of the British Empire and the United States have done around the face of the earth.

Now, of course, we’ve given it all back. We became ashamed of the blessings that God
gave to us. We gave in to the cries of imperialism. We were hatefully called imperialists,
forcing our wills upon the nations of the rest of the earth on every continent—in Europe, in
Asia, in Africa, in South America. We were told, “Get out; we don’t want you.” We were
ashamed of the blessings that God gave, and so we have given it up; and God has allowed those
possessions to be taken away from us again. We’ve given away everything. How about those
sea gates? How about the strategic sea gates of the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal,
Gibraltar—all of those that controlled militarily all of the lanes, as well as commerce around
this globe? Every strategic point was possessed by either the British Commonwealth or the
United States simultaneously, even just a few short decades ago; and now, we’ve given them all
away. We just recently completed, a few years ago, the signing over of the Panama Canal. It’s
not ours anymore. But what were those promises?

Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run
over the wall: The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated

Oh yes, there have been nations for centuries that have despised the people of God, but
God has never allowed them to be thwarted from becoming a mighty and a great nation.

But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the
hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of
Israel:) Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee . . .

Yes, God did help them—and again, brethren, not because they were worthy; they were
not. They were evil, idolatrous people, but God blessed them anyway out of respect for His
covenant with Abraham.

Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who
shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth
under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb: The blessings of thy father have
prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the
everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the
head of him that was separate from his brethren.

That’s precisely what happened. It was not fulfilled in the house of Judah, or in those
that we know as the Jews today in Palestine. And so, we’ve got many of our Founding Fathers
who actually became atheists or deists. They changed away from the belief in God and the
veracity of the Bible because they never saw the fulfillment of all of these great blessings that
God promised to Abraham. They never saw the fulfillment in the Jews, which caused them to
lose faith completely. Yet, we understand that they were looking in the wrong place because
it was to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, that they were promised. No other modern
nations can begin to fulfill God’s promises that He gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, save the
British Empire and the United States of America. They’re the only ones that fit. These two
nations were advanced suddenly. Yes, it was even since 1800 that you saw the real fulfillment
of all of those Birthright promises. They were advanced suddenly, possessing between two-thirds and three-quarters of the cultivated wealth and resources of the entire world. They did
possess those sea gates as God promised Abraham they would—that they would possess the
gates of their enemies.

Notice also the prophecy that Moses spoke before his death—the prophecy of all the
tribes—and notice specifically, in Deuteronomy 33 and verse 13, the pronouncement he made
on Joseph. It was a prophecy that he spoke under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and
preserved for that which would be given to Joseph.

And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the [Eternal] be his land, for the precious things
of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, And for the
precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by
the moon, And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious
things of the lasting hills, And for the precious things of the earth and fulness
thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come
upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated
from his brethren. His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are
like the horns of unicorns [which also happens to be one of the national symbols
of the British Empire]: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of
the earth [This was going to be a powerful people, and so they were.]: and they
are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

Yes, those two nations collectively produced and controlled the lion’s share of the wealth
of the world in gold, silver, iron, coal, timber, oil and agriculture. There is no other fulfillment
that is more demonstrative than that which was possessed by the United States and the British
Commonwealth. And so, my dear brethren, I take it as absolute confirmation. I don’t have to
understand all of the small details that God did not preserve in the Bible to tell us how that
crown moved from Zedekiah to the British Isles. We know it happened. We know that
Jeremiah was given the commission and that there were three overturns of that crown before
it finally settled where it is going to stay until the return of Christ.

There are many traditions—the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, and many others absolutely
believe and have many details of their myths and traditions about how that crown was
transferred. I don’t choose to get involved in those; because whenever we’re talking about the
physical myths and histories of men, we don’t know how to separate the truth from the error.
I’m going to mention a few things when we get down the line just to compare and contrast our
belief to some of these other things that are a part of this philosophy called “Christian Identity.”
There are many very scary groups out there that also believe in British Israelism, but they have
some very scary twists for their own purposes, which we do not abide whatsoever. Does not
Satan always take the truth and pervert it? Has he not perverted the very sacrifice of Jesus
Christ in the religious worship of all of these other so-called Christian religious beliefs? If we
were to resist because of the way that man has perverted it under the influence of Satan, we
would do away with Christ altogether, because look at all of the heinous, occult things that are
done in the name of Christ.

We understand that God did send His Son, and that Jesus Christ did perform His
ministry; He did die, and He was resurrected. We also understand that God did fulfill His
promises to Abraham and to David concerning the blessings of those covenant promises and of
the kingship of the lineage of David. Those thrones do exist today, even though men, through
their myths and their own histories, have perverted it in very many ways. Satan has continued
to try to discredit the simple truth of those things by virtue of all of the myth and the legend
that’s attached to them; and so, we won’t get into those things.

I am very aware of certain legends like the Stone of Destiny, also known as the Stone of
Scone, and that supposedly it’s Jacob’s pillow stone that was taken by the Israelites, and ended
up with Jeremiah, and was transferred to the British Isles, and was transferred all the way to the
Scottish kings, over which the Scottish kings were coronated. I’ve seen that stone. It sits in
Edinburgh Castle, along with the elements of the Scottish royalty, the crowns, and the scepter.
I don’t put any weight or stock in it. Maybe there’s something to it. I doubt it very much
because men have a way of corrupting everything. I was interested in it mostly, brethren,
because of the fact that it definitely has been a part of the coronation of those kings of England
and Scotland for the last, minimally, 1100 years. That’s documented. Now, that stone is
actually made of sandstone. It is of the very same material that is found right there in Scotland,
and so the experts say that the stone is of Scottish origin; it did not come from Palestine or
anywhere else. And see, I’m wont to believe it because it is human beings that put all of this
confidence in relics and physical items. So, you have this legend of the Stone of Destiny that
goes hand in hand with their myths about Jeremiah, the daughter of Zedekiah, the line of Zerah
and the scarlet thread. I don’t put any stock in those things whatsoever. Maybe it is. I doubt it.
It’s certainly not material to our understanding and belief in the promises that God made and the
way that He fulfilled them. We don’t have to understand every detail in the middle; God didn’t
preserve it. We have confidence and faith that God was going to fulfill that which He gave to
Abraham, and so He did.

It does fill in the gaps for us to recognize who those descendants in modern times are.
Again, brethren, it is not because we use that as a way to elevate ourselves in importance. Not
at all. Salvation does not come through the Birthright. The Birthright promises are totally
separate from the promises of grace that would come through Jesus Christ. Next time, brethren,
we’re going to look at the promise of grace through Jesus Christ, and how the Gentiles are made
a part of the promises of salvation. Next time.